Santri and the Threat of Religious Intolerance

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In general, the majority of Indonesia’s population is Muslim. The proliferation can see the indication of community organizations or mass organizations with Islam as the spirit of the movement. All of that cannot be separated from Islam as the majority.

However, in Indonesia also live other various religions. In the heterogeneity of religion, culture, and culture, Indonesia is the reason to be called a very diverse country. However, this reality often faces a problem, one of which is closely related to religion itself.


This can be seen from the rise of right-wing Muslims, who mobilize the purification of Islamic teachings. Their beliefs are the most correct in every attitude and statement made to the public, even though very unconstitutional and seem textual in addressing religious issues. Nevertheless, the evidence is that the government disbanded right-wing Islamic movements, such as HTI, through Perppu Number 2 of 2017. They were deemed to have hit the bastion of the nation’s ideology, namely Pancasila.

The problem often brought up in religious matters is differences in religious views that lead to theological issues. It is the right of each as the people of Indonesia, as mandated by the 1945 Constitution in Article 28E paragraph 1 and as Allah SWT’s word in Surah Al-Baqarah verse 256. Differences are often the trigger for conflicts between religions and fellow Muslims themselves.

A humble example when the new year. Some Muslims forbid other Muslims to wish Christians a Merry Christmas because of different religions and beliefs. In fact, in Islam, we know that there are many results of ijtihad by scholars in the form of fatwas. However, the results are different from the ijtihad. Therefore, we should be more mature in religion to give rise to the embryo of intolerance -even to give rise to takfiri attitudes – just because of a lack of understanding of Islamic law.

It is precisely this kind of thing, and if left unchecked, it will lead to intolerance among religious people. Therefore, there needs to be a common thread to mediate the problems that continue to occur. Because massive intolerance is the root of not understanding a religion, it is necessary to have an institution to enlighten religious matters, namely pesantren. Here, the centre of education that is still consistent and based on Islam is the pesantren. So, it should be the santri who will educate the public in matters of religion.

Santri and Intolerance

From the past until now, Pesantren has been trusted and consistently in educating santri in religion. So it is not surprising that more and more pesantren have been established, both at the suggestion of the community and the initiative of religious leaders in certain places. As a result, the number of santri from year to year also increases.

Based on statistical data on the Indonesian Ministry of Religion website, the current number of Pesantrens is 27,722, with a total of 4,175,555 santri. This figure does not represent a whole number of pesantren in the country because the Ministry of Religion data is the result of the registration of each pesantren. Nevertheless, it shows that the development of Pesantrens in Indonesia is massive. It also means that there is great hope for the Indonesian state for a capable regeneration in the field of religious knowledge. At least the millions of santri who are scattered in the archipelago become essential to be able to answer all questions that are closely related to religion.

Intolerance has recently been very rampant. However, it is also part of the santri’s duty not to let go. Because after all, it is undeniable that the polemics that occur always start from inter-religious and fellow-religious issues.

Suppose the issue of religion is not given to the expert, in this context, the santri, then, of course. In that case, it will cause another polemic in addressing the perspective in solving the problem, as was the case with the question of saying Merry Christmas. It should not happen if the knowledge of religion is extensive and vice versa.

The santri’s perspective is elegant and comprehensive in dealing with problems since their lives are used to the conditions of differences in cultures and regions. Therefore, they do not feel trapped in disagreements, let alone differences in the law perspective. For this reason, it is not excessive if santri is said to be sufficient in understanding religious knowledge. Furthermore, because he is in a boarding school and understands nationality, he lives in a different cultural and cultural environment.

Three Reasons

There are several reasons that santri should be involved in the issue of intolerance. First, santri are among the many Muslims who have the opportunity to study religion in pesantren. If intolerance departs from a religious background, santri have an essential role amid the frenzy of debate about differences in views, especially between religions. At least, the santri become an important reason to become a reference who is considered knowledgeable in matters of religion.

Second, santri are part of people who understand nationality, because they are used to all the differences in pesantren. So that if intolerance is rooted in disagreements, then there is no doubt that the santri will respond to it, and their attitude will be wiser.

Third, santri has never been separated from the line of struggle, especially before independence; their efforts were rewarded with the National Santri Day on October 22, 2015. That date refers to the struggle of the sarongs wrapped up in the events of the Jihad Revolution. Therefore, the trial should be a trigger to maintain the integrity of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia, particularly preventing this intolerance.

In the author’s opinion, above mentioned three reasons are at least a simple formula for the sarongs to counter intolerance. First, santri are not always looked down on because santri can fill in various fields according to their portions. So do not be surprised if a santri is in the bureaucracy, academics, observers, and others. These become vital bridges to be used as a means or an institution in countering intolerance itself.

However, if there are no attitudes and actions, then the impact will be the integrity of the Indonesian nation. Currently, Santri must strengthen their sense of responsibility as Muslim scholars. Santri does not have to be in a government position to accept the mandate to teach the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia. Although it is undeniable, it is easier to solve it when you are in the system because you are a policymaker.


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