Each pesantren generally has its own way of instilling moral values for its santri. However, moral planting is a concrete step that is continuously carried…
View More Me and My Pesantren (2): Revolutionizing LifeTag: #SantriOpinion
Santri and the Threat of Religious Intolerance
In general, the majority of Indonesia’s population is Muslim. The proliferation can see the indication of community organizations or mass organizations with Islam as the…
View More Santri and the Threat of Religious IntolerancePesantren and Relevance Kitab Kuning in Social Live
New knowledge will inevitably determine dialectical attitudes in social and religious life where there are various istinbath processes, leaving various fanaticism and one-sided truths. Determining one truth…
View More Pesantren and Relevance Kitab Kuning in Social Live