I use the term ‘promoting’ in the title above not without reason. From my observation, many Indonesian thinkers have, for a long time, only stopped at the level of ideas after the passing of the thinker.
The continuity of an idea is far more important than mere abstract ideas. Therefore, the term ‘promoting’ is an apt expression to bridge the gap between ideas and practical implementation.

According to the KBBI (Indonesian dictionary), the word ‘promoting’ means to instill and popularize, derived from the root word ‘earth’. However, the root word alone doesn’t explain much because fundamentally, ‘promoting’ is a metaphorical or homonymous term.
Hence, I believe that Gus Dur’s ideas need to be brought into the real world and integrated into everyday life. I am convinced that not many people in society are aware of or understand Gus Dur’s ideas, except for his admirers, enthusiasts, or those who have studied his life.
Gusdurian Yogyakarta organized the Gusdurian Initiative Class on October 27-29, 2023, and it will continue for the next two months. This class serves as a platform to instill and internalize the values, thoughts, and exemplary qualities of Gus Dur, especially regarding Indonesian identity (religion, democracy, and culture).
The outcome of this initiative is to nurture individuals with a Gus Dur perspective and mindset. The event was attended by 40 selected participants, mainly students residing in Yogyakarta.
The Gusdurian Initiative Class covers a wide range of topics, with a particular focus on the nine values advocated by Gus Dur. Firstly, participants are taught soft skills, including active listening, which entails listening to others without providing intervention, judgment, or immediate response.
The aim is to become attentive listeners, absorbing information fully before offering assessments, thus promoting wisdom in one’s interactions. In addition to being good listeners, participants are encouraged to reflect on the values they learn throughout the class.
Participants are also introduced to Gus Dur’s biography, his thoughts, intellectual journey, and his exemplary qualities. The teaching method predominantly involves practical applications rather than passive learning from speakers because becoming an effective advocate requires practice.
The classes were enjoyable and often interspersed with interactive games to keep participants engaged and prevent boredom. These games are essential to maintain enthusiasm during the long hours of the Gusdurian Initiative Class, which typically lasts from morning to evening. Without these games, the class could become monotonous and tedious.
During the class, the focus is on the nine core values of Gus Dur that participants must apply in their daily lives. These values are:
Monotheism: The primary value championed by Gus Dur transcends religious institutions and dogma, manifested in social, political, economic, humanitarian, and cultural conduct.
Humanity: Recognizing the human being as a noble creature entrusted by God to manage and prosper the Earth. It entails mutual love, respect, and honor, acknowledging that honoring humans is honoring their Creator.
Justice: Gus Dur believed that human dignity thrives only when there is balance, adequacy, and appropriateness in society. Justice does not naturally exist, so it must be pursued. Throughout his life, Gus Dur strived to establish justice in society.
Equality: Equality necessitates fair treatment, equal relations, the eradication of discrimination, and the elimination of subordination in society. Gus Dur championed equality by supporting marginalized and oppressed minority groups.
Liberation: Derived from the awareness of promoting equality and justice, liberation aims to break free from all forms of bondage. This spirit of liberation is reserved for those who possess a free and fearless soul.
Brotherhood: Gus Dur embraced the principles of humaneness, justice, and equality. He exemplified this by forming bonds with people of diverse religious backgrounds.
Simplicity: Rooted in substantial thought, behavior, and modest living, simplicity is a means of resisting materialism, corruption, and excess. Gus Dur advocated for simplicity as a resistance to materialistic, corrupt, and excessive behaviors.
Chivalry: The value of bravery lies in the determination to uphold one’s beliefs and values, regardless of the challenges and sacrifices encountered. Gus Dur’s bravery was evident in his patience and sincerity in facing life’s hardships.
Traditional Wisdom: This value draws from the socio-cultural traditions of Indonesian society. It is also embodied in the Indonesian Constitution (UUD 1945), the motto ‘Bhineka Tunggal Ika,’ and all Eastern values.
These nine values constitute the core material that participants must understand and reflect on in their daily lives. To become a true Gusdurian advocate, one must develop a perspective aligned with Gus Dur’s teachings.
In my view, Gus Dur’s values continue to live on through his teachings. Promoting these values is one of the efforts to maintain harmony in a diverse Indonesian society. In an era of disruption like the present, we are easily divided in the name of religion and grow to hate one another, often forgetting the values of humanity and compassion. Gus Dur’s ideas harmonize deeply with the diverse mindset of Indonesian society.