“Gus”, a Pesantren Novels by Dian Nafi

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Author: Dian Nafi
Publisher: Kakilangit Kencana
Published: December 2014
Content: 198 pages

In the last few months, the pesantren novels are being lively discussed. Starting from the novel “Hati Suhita” by Khilma Anis, which is sold more than ten thousand copies of the book without significant publishers or major bookstores, then the novel “Two Barista” by Najhaty Sharma, which also becomes a bestseller, and it also followed by novel “Hilda” by Muyassaroh Hafidzoh and Novel “DUR” by Nisaul Kamilah.


It is interesting to see how new writers are born with their various works. But, of course, Khilma Anis cannot be included in the new writer’s category because her writing career began many years ago since she wrote the Novel “Jadilah Purnamaku Ning” published by Matapena in 2008.

But, talking about the pesantren novel, we have to remember Dian Nafi nicely. She is a very productive pesantren novel writer. She has written dozens of books published by Grasindo, Jendela, Zikrul Hakim, Quanta, Elexmedia, Bentang, Gramedia Main Library, Leutika, Hasfa, Hasmania, Mizan, Familia, Qudsi, Bypass, Javalitera, Plotpoint, Diandra, Bunyan, Bypass, Bypass, Kakilangit Kencana, etc.

Her works also compile with other writings in many anthologies. In addition, Dian Nafi is also active in various communities, and she often becomes a mentor in papers, including literary essays. One of Dian Nafi’s novels about pesantren life is “Gus”. This 198-pages Novel was first published in 2014 by Kakilangit Kencana. Although “Gus” is not as famous as the recently pesantren novels published, I think it’s a pity to pass up this Novel.

“Gus” tells the story about Mafazi, a Gus. The latter is expected to be the successor to his parents to take care of his pesantren. Still, he has no ambition to become a Kiai, even the caretaker of pesantren. So he tried to “run away from his responsibilities”, he rarely returned home, and he used his lectures as an excuse. Then, suddenly, there was a fire tragedy around the pesantren in his house. It changed many things and became the beginning of endless conflicts.

After the tragedy, Mafazi’s mother had sick and died. His mother is one of the important figures with a critical role in the continuity of his family’s pesantren education. The magazine feels doubt between his desire to focus on college and his dreams or fulfil his mother’s dreams; he became a Kiai and caregiver of the pesantren.

Before his hesitation was over, his father suddenly decided to marry again. The decision made Mafazi and his two siblings feel broken. Moreover, his stepmother had a son who was very pious and adorable; His name is Harun. Mafazi, who had no desire to become his father’s successor as a pesantren caregiver, suddenly felt threatened by Harun.

The plot of this Novel is very flowing and alluring. She also built the characterization of a powerful and human being. She tries to tell that the Kiai family who became caregivers of the big pesantren were also ordinary people who felt disappointed, sad, and angry. The main story in this Novel is also very familiar with everyday life; there are many Gus and Ning who do not desire to be the successors of their parents in the pesantren and try to “run away” with lecture/education or other activities.

In addition, instead of filling the contents of the story with preaching or sermons, in “Gus”, Dian Nafi uses the very flowing narratives to provide wisdom or lessons for the reader. Unfortunately, this Novel is rarely to talk about and not familiar to the public, especially from the santri. However, compared to the other pesantren novels recently published, the story carried by “Gus” and Dian Nafi is fascinating.


Translated by Dian Ratna.


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