The Ministry of Religious Affairs Advances Equal Education in Salafi Pesantren

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Through the Directorate of Religious and Pesantren Education (PD Pontren), the Ministry of Religious Affairs conducted a strengthening initiative titled “Strengthening Institutional Governance of Equal Education in Salafi Pesantren, 2nd Edition” in Makassar, South Sulawesi.

The Ministry invited several representatives from the core team of the Working Group on Equal Education in Salafi Pesantren (PKPPS) to discuss institutional management.


During the opening ceremony, Acting Director of Religious and Pesantren Education, Waryono, emphasized the contemporary issues that must be addressed through the strengthening of the institutional governance of PKPPS.

“Pesantren are no longer isolated from external scrutiny, as they have increasingly become the focus of attention for various stakeholders, including parents, authorities, and civil society,” explained Waryono during his opening remarks via a Zoom Meeting on Thursday, October 5th, 2023.

Waryono also added that PKPPS must address another challenge, which is adapting to the evolving times in terms of governance. He stressed that while the teaching methods may adhere to traditional principles, the governance must modernize.

During the same event, Rahmawati, the Head of the Sub-Directorate of Religious and Pesantren Education, expressed that the legality of the concept of governance for equal education in Salafi Pesantren would be thoroughly discussed during the strengthening program in Makassar.

Meanwhile, Mulyadi, the Head of the Directorate of Religious and Pesantren Education for South Sulawesi Province, highlighted several crucial issues that need to be addressed in the strengthening of PKPPS institutional governance.

“There are three critical issues that have been occurring recently and require careful solutions within the institutional governance of PKPPS,” Mulyadi explained on Thursday, October 5th, 2023.

“These include how governance can effectively respond to anti-bullying and sexual violence, extremism, and how PKPPS institutions can accommodate vocational education within the Pesantren setting,” Mulyadi clarified.

As an important note, the Strengthening Institutional Governance of Equal Education event is scheduled to take place from October 5th to 7th, 2023, at the Almadera Hotel in Makassar.

Furthermore, the guest speakers for this event include Abdul Majid Muslim (Chairman of the Central Executive Board of the Working Group on PKPPS), Aprilia Sakti (General Secretary of the Central Executive Board of the Working Group on PKPPS), Abdul Bari (Chairman of the Working Group on PKPPS for East Java), and Adi Saputra (Vice Chairman of the National Working Group on PKPPS).



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