Me and My Pesantren (8): Like a Life Laboratory

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The Annuqayah Latee Islamic Boarding School, Sumenep, Madura, East Java, I studied for 8 years, from 2000 to 2008. From this lodge, I did not only learn about halal-haram, makruh-mubah. In that hut, I also learned to live a simple and disciplined time. For me, life in the pesantren is like a moral life laboratory to achieve the simplicity of life.

Simplicity in life has actually been known for a long time. Sufi scholars define “simplicity” with the term zuhud. The principle of zuhud is based on a hadith of the Prophet “ازهد الدنيا الله ازهد ا ايد الناس الناس” (Zuhudlah in matters of the world, then Allah will love you, and zuhudlah from what is owned by humans, then humans will love you).


So with him, the Sufis follow the path of God to achieve simplicity through zuhud. Because of that, there is no doubt that the pesantren that we know until this moment always teach Sufism as a routine study, as in the Annuqayah pesantren, which studies the Ihya Ulumuddin Book three times a week, the Minhajul Abidin Book twice a week, even small books. such as “al-Minahus Saniyah” are also routine studies. All of this is the pesantren’s effort in educating students to learn to live a simple life.

Learning the simplicity of life in a pesantren, for example, can be obtained from looking at the kiai’s lifestyle, from how to dress, how to teach, to navigating the ins and outs of sakinah mawaddah warahmah family life. Therefore, the Kiai in the pesantren environment is the centre of learning from various sides, both organizationally and morally. Thus, Kiai’s movements become a very valuable i’tibar for his students.

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